Quarterly statements

The quarterly statement is intended for providing information about the quantity of packaging that EKO‑KOM, a.s. Company clients place on the market or into circulation during the calendar quarter. You will always find the current report here.

Current version of the report

this version is intended for the 1st quarter of 2025



Before filling in the Packaging production statement we recommend that you familiarise yourself with the document titled Methodology for the quarterly statement.


Methods of submitting the statement:

  • e-mail: vykazy@ekokom.cz
    The fastest and most economic way of submitting the statement.

This e-mail address is ONLY intended for receiving quarterly statements and their automatic processing.


  • fax:
    261 176 274 or 729 848 439
    It is naturally also possible to send statements in paper form by fax.


  • postal address:
    EKO‑KOM, a.s., client department, Na Pankráci 1685/17, 140 21 Prague 4


Usefull information for filling the Quarterly statement



Methodology for the Statement

Methodology for downloads here


Webinar about the Statement



Deadlines for sending the statements:

for the period
From To
1st quarter April 1 April 30
2nd quarter July 1 July 30
3rd quarter October 1 October 30
4th quarter January 1
of the following year
January 30
of the following year
Katerina Kasparova

+420 729 848 430

Lenka Hribalova

+420 729 848 435