Legal regulations

It can be difficult to orientate yourself in the legislation, therefore we provide an overview of the legal regulations, which determine the issue of packaging in the EU and the CZ and a full overview of technical standards, including a link to the Czech Standardisation Institute, where standards can be obtained.


List of standards related to packaging waste

  • EN 13193 Packaging – Packaging and the environment Terminology
  • ČSN 77 0052-2 Packaging – Packaging waste Part 2: Identification marking of packaging for subsequent packaging waste recovery (cancled on September 30, 2014)
  • ČSN 77 0053 Packaging – Packaging waste Instructions and information on way of disposal of used packaging
  • ČSN 77 0054 Packaging Requirments for returnable consumer packaging
  • EN 13427 Packaging – Requirements for the use of European Standards in the field of packaging and packaging waste
  • EN 13428 Packaging – Requirments for production and composition – Prevention by source reduction
  • EN 13429 Packaging – Reuse
  • EN 13430 Packaging – Requirements for packaging recoverable by material recycling
  • EN 13431 Packaging – Requirements for packaging recoverable in the form of energy, including specification of minimum inferior calorific value
  • EN 13432 Packaging – Requirements for packaging recoverablethrough composting and biodegradation Test scheme and evaluation critera for the final acceptance of packaging
  • CEN CR 13695-1 Packaging – Requirements for measuring and verifying the four heavy metals and other dangerous substances present in packaging and their release into the environment Part 1: Requirements measuring and verifying the four heavy metals present in packaging
  • CEN CR 13695-2 Packaging – Requirements for measuring and verifying the four heavy metals and other dangerous substances present in packaging and their release into the environment Part 2: Requirements measuring and verifying dangerous substances present in packaging
  • CEN CR 13504 Packaging – Material recovery Criteria for a minimum content of recycled material

According to the Act number 22/1997 Col. the technical standards can be multipled and distributed only with the agreement of Czech standards institute (

Barbora Linhartova

+420 729 848 444

Zbyněk Kolář

standards specialist
+420 729 848 460